Terms of Use

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) believes that sexual and reproductive health education should be accessible to all. The pregnancyinfo.sogc.org website presents a broad spectrum of information to help people make informed decisions. Issues related to sexual and reproductive health can be complex and subject to differences of opinion and we, therefore, urge users to consider the information presented on this site in the context of their own values and circumstances and to make personal choices that are well-informed and appropriate for each individual.

Disclaimer for responsibility of content

Health information on this site is intended as general information only. It is not intended to replace an in-person consultation with a health-care professional, nor is it intended to provide medical advice. Individual circumstances vary and information contained on this website will not apply to everyone. The SOGC assumes no liability or responsibility for the use of any information contained on the site, nor for the reliance on this information in place of proper medical consultation.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated, the naming of any organization, product, or therapy on this site does not imply SOGC endorsement.

Disclaimer for responsibility regarding links to other sites

pregnancyinfo.sogc.org provides links to other websites created by other organizations and individuals. These organizations and individuals have full and sole responsibility for the content of their sites. A link to any such site does not imply our endorsement of the materials available on these sites, nor does it assume any liability for any of the information on these sites.

Hyperlinking policy

Decisions to post links on this site will be subject to the following criteria:

  • Content of sites to be linked must not be offensive, lewd or malicious; and,
  • Sites to be linked must allow users to navigate back to the present site; they cannot block the user’s return to this site by embedding code within the linked page that will prevent the use of the browser “back” button.

Also note that:

  • Posting of links may be refused or following periodic review, terminated without notice, for failure to comply with these criteria or for any other appropriate reason including site navigation problems, frequent complains, and/or lack of resources to maintain and monitor content.
  • Links are provided for convenience purposes only and are not an endorsement or rating of the content of sites to which they are made.
  • Links may not work as we do not control the availability of linked pages.

Links to pregnancyinfo.sogc.org will be allowed subject to the following criteria:

  • The pages on this site will not be loaded into frames on other sites; a new page will open to pregnancyinfo.sogc.org so that users know they are viewing content from this site;
  • Content from this site will be used “as-is” and no fees will be charged for access to it; and,
  • No logos, trademarks, images, or other marks will be used in the link you post without the SOGC’s permission.

Policy on use of pregnancyinfo.sogc.org materials

The information and resource materials found on this site can be used for educational, promotional, and public awareness purposes, provided that the material is not modified and that the SOGC and/or pregnancyinfo.sogc.org is mentioned as the source.

Repurposing the material found on this site for publication or income-generating purposes is only allowed if permission is obtained from the SOGC.